Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Prize (1993-2014) and Award (2015-Current)
Significant contributions to the sciences and technologies associated
with adaptive structures and/or materials systems. [More...]
2022 |
... |
2021 |
Mary I. Frecker |
2020 |
Wei-Hsin Liao |
2019 |
Nancy L. Johnson |
2018 |
Diann Brei |
2017 |
Marcelo J. Dapino |
2016 |
Ralph C. Smith |
2015 |
None |
2014 |
Michael I. Friswell |
2013 |
Alison Flatau |
2012 |
Norman Wereley |
2011 |
Chris Lynch |

Dr. Jay Kudva is the recipient of the 2010 ASME Adaptive
Structures and Materials Systems Prize. The prize was
awarded at the 2010 AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures
Conference held in Orlando in 2010. |

Prof. Dimitris C.
Lagoudas (right), with Prof. Dan Inman,
the 2006 ASME Adaptive Structures and Materials Systems
Prize at the AIAA 47th SDM conference, May 2006. |
2010 |
Jay Kudva |
2009 |
Amr Baz |
2008 |
Kon-Well Wang |
2007 |
Roger Ohayon |
2006 |
Dimitris C. Lagoudas |
2005 |
Kenji Uchino |
2004 |
Greg Carman |
2003 |
Yuji Matsuzaki |
2002 |
Ephrahim Garcia |
2001 |
Inderjit Chopra |
2000 |
Dan Inman |
1999 |
Robert Newnham |
1998 |
Richard Claus |
1997 |
Edward Crawley |
1996 |
Junji Tani |
1995 |
Eric Cross |
1994 |
Ben Wada |
1993 |
Craig Rogers |
Gary Anderson Early Achievement Award
For notable contribution(s) to the field of Adaptive Structures and
Material Systems. The prize is awarded to a young researcher in his or
her ascendancy whose work has already had an impact in his/her field
within Adaptive Structures and Material Systems.
2022 |
... |
2021 |
Suyi Li |
2020 |
Mostafa Nouh |
2019 |
Ryan L. Harne |
2018 |
Andres F. Arrieta |
2017 |
Andy Sarles |
2016 |
Darren J. Hartl |
2015 |
Alper Erturk |
2014 |
Mohammed F. Daqaq |
2013 |
Mauricio Porfiri |
2012 |
William Oates |
2011 |
Lisa Mauck Weiland |
2010 |
Mohammad H. Elahinia |
2009 |
Henry Sodano |
2008 |
Ibrahim Karaman |
2007 |
Marcelo Dapino |
Ephrahim Garcia Best Paper Award
The Ephrahim Garcia Best Paper Award has been established in memory of Professor Garcia's extraordinary
contributions in scholarship, education, and service to the field of smart materials and adaptive structures.
2022 |
2021 |
Not awarded.
2020 |
2019 |
Steffen Hau, Gianluca Rizzello, and Stefan Seelecke, 2018, "A Novel Dielectric Elastomer Membrane Actuator Concept for High-force Applications," Extreme Mechanics Letters, Volume 23, pp. 24-28
2018 |
Darren Hartl, Jacob Mingear, Brent Bielefeldt, John Rohmer, Jessica Zamarripa, Alaa Elwany, “Towards High-Frequency Shape Memory Alloy Actuators Incorporating Liquid Metal Energy Circuits”
2017 |
Jason M Walker, Christoph Haberland, Mohsen Taheri Andani, Haluk Ersin Karaca, David Dean, and Mohammad Elahinia, "Process development and characterization of additively manufactured nickel-titanium shape memory parts," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 27(19), pp. 2653-2660, 2016.
2016 |
G. Wang, N. Wereley, and T. Pillsbury, "Nonlinear Quasi-Static Model of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuators," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 26(5), pp. 541-553, 2015.
2015 |
S. Daynse, R. Trask, and P. Weaver, "Bio-inspired Structural Bi-stability employing elastomeric Origami for morphing applications," Smart Materials and Structures, 23, 2014.
SPIE Lifetime Achievement Award
2010 |
Alison Flatau |
2009 |
Gordon Wallace |
2008 |
Arthur E. Clark |
2007 |
Jayanth Kudva |
2006 |
Janet Sater and William Spillman |
2005 |
Yoseph Bar-Cohen and L. Eric Cross |
2004 |
Inderjit Chopra |
2003 |
Dan Inman |
2002 |
Vijay K. Varadan and Rick Claus |
2001 |
Michael W. Obal |
2000 |
Alok Das |
1999 |
Gary L. Anderson |
1998 |
Bob Crowe |
Best Paper Awards
Structural Dynamics and Control
Best published or presented paper on Adaptive Structures during the
previous calendar year. [More...]
Sansit Patnaik, Fabio Semperlotti
A generalized fractional-order elastodynamic theory for non-local attenuating media
, Proc. R. Soc. A 476: 20200200.
L. Xiong, L. Tang, and B. Mace
A Comprehensive Study of 2:1 Internal-Resonance-Based Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting
, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 91, No. 3, pp. 1817-1834, 2018.
A. Pagano, T. Yan, B. Chien, A. Wissa and S. Tawfick
A Crawling Robot Driven by Multi-Stable Origami
, Smart Materials and Structures, 26(9), 094007, 2017.
Ryan L. Harne and Danielle T. Lynd
Origami acoustics: using principles of folding structural acoustics for simple and large focusing of sound energy
, Smart Materials and Structures, 25(8), 085031, 2016.
S. Li and K. W. Wang
Fluidic origami: a plant-inspired adaptive structure with shape morphing and stiffness tuning
, Smart Materials and Structures, 24(10), 2015.
Yashwanth Tummala, Aimy Wissa, Mary Frecker and James E. Hubbard
Design and Optimization of a Contact-Aided Compliant Mechanism for Passive Bending
, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, AUGUST 2014, Vol. 6 /031013-1 (9pp).
Zhongiji Li, Lei Zuo, Jian Kuang and Georg Luhrs
(Paper record needs to be updated.)
J. Abel, J. Luntz and D. Brei
A two-dimensional analytical model and experimental validation
of garter stitch knitted shape memory alloy actuator architecture
, Smart Materials and Structures
21(8):085011, 2012. DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/21/8/085011.
B. Woods, C. Kothera, N. M. Wereley
Wind tunnel testing of a helicopter rotor trailing
flap system via pneumatic artificial muscles
, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
22(13):1513-1528, 2011. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X1142421.
2011 |
- A.S. Purekar and D.J. Pines, Damage Detection
in Thin Composite Laminates Using Piezoelectric Phased
Sensor Arrays and Guided Lamb Wave
Interrogation, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems
and Structures, July 2010; vol. 21, 10: pp. 995-1010.
2010 |
- Ying Shan, Michael Philen, Amir Lotfi, Suyi Li,
Charles E. Bakis, Christopher D. Rahn and K.W. Wang, 2009,
Variable Stiffness Structures Utilizing Fluidic Flexible
Matrix Composites, Journal of Intelligent Material
Systems and Structures, 20:443, 2009
2009 |
- V. Mehta, M. Frecker, G. A. Lesieutre, 2008,

Stress Relief in Contact-Aided Cellular Compliant Mechanisms,
Proceedings of ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS),
Oct. 28-30, Ellicott City, MD, Paper No. SMASIS08-431.
Revised version subsequently published as V. Mehta, M. Frecker, and G.A. Lesieutre (2009), "Stress Relief in Contact-Aided Compliant Cellular Mechanisms," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 131(9):091009 (11 pages). DOI:10.1115/1.3165778
2007 |
- M. J. Guan and W. H. Liao, 2007,
On the Efficiencies of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
Circuits Towards Storage Device Voltages,
Smart Materials and Structures. 16(2):498-505. doi:
2006 |
- E. J. Ruggiero and D. J. Inman, 2006,
Modeling and Control of a 2-D Membrane with a PZT
Proceedings of the 2006 ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Conference and Exhibition, IMECE2006-14475,
November 5-10, Chicago, IL.
2005 |
- P. Downey and M. Dapino, 2005,
Extended Frequency Bandwidth and Electrical Resonance
Tuning in Hybrid Terfenol-D/PMN-PT Transducers in Mechanical
Series Configuration,
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
Volume 16, September, 2005, Pages 757-772.
2004 |
- M. Khan, D. Lagoudas, J. Mayes, and B. Henderson,
Pseudoelastic SMA Spring Elements for Passive Vibration
Isolation: Part I - Modeling,
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
Volume 15,
June 2004, Pages 415-441.
2002 |
- Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, and Y.-S. Jeon, 2002,
Semi-Active Vibration Isolation Using Magnetorheological
9th SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials:
Conference on Damping and Isolation, 18-21 March, San Diego
CA. SPIE Paper No. 4697-31, pp. 284-291. Revised
version published as: Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, and Y.-S.
Jeon (2005). "Semi-Active Vibration Isolation Using
Magnetorheological Isolators," AIAA J. Aircraft,
2000 |
1998 |
- C.L. Davis, and G.A. Lesieutre, 1998,
Actively Tuned Solid State Piezoelectric Vibration
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3327, 169; doi:10.1117/12.310681.
Revised version published as C.L. Davis and G.A. Lesieutre (2000), "An Actively Tuned Solid-State Vibration Absorber Using Capacitive Shunting of Piezoelectric Stiffness," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 232(3): 601-617, 4 May.
1996 |
- N. W. Hagood and A. J. du Plessis
1995 |
- H.T. Banks, R.J. Silcox and R.C. Smith
1994 |
- R. L. Clark, Jr., M. R. Fleming and C. R.
Mechanics and Material Systems
Best published or presented paper in mechanics and material systems during the previous calendar year.
Jesse Callanan, Carson L. Willey, Vincent W. Chen, Jon Liu, Mostafa Nouh, and Abigail T. Juhl
Uncovering Low Frequency Band Gaps in Electrically Resonant Metamaterials through Tuned Dissipation and Negative Impedance Conversion
, Smart Materials and Structures, 31, 015002 (2022).
Mohammadali A. Attarzaheh, Jesse Callanan, Mostafa Nouh
Experimental Observation of Nonreciprocal Waves in a Resonant Metamaterial Beam
, Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 021001.
K. Tao, L. Tang, J. Wu, S-W. Lye, H. Chang, J. Miao
Investigation of Multimodal Electret-Based MEMS Energy Harvester with Impact Induced Nonlinearity
, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2018.
Tyler Tallman, Sila Gungor, Goon mo Koo, Charles Bakis
On the inverse determination of displacements, strains, and stresses in a carbon nanofiber/polyurethane nanocomposite from conductivity data obtained via electrical impedance tomography
, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 28(18), 2017.
M Bodaghi, A R Damanpack and W H Liao
Self-expanding/shrinking structures by 4D Printing
, Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (2016) 105034 (15pp).
W. Li, Y. Liu, and J. Leng
Selectively actuated multi-shape memory effect of a polymer multicomposite
, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3(48), 24532-24539, 2015.
S. Ahmed, Z. Ounaies, and M. Frecker
Investigating the performance and properties of dielectric elastomer
actuators as a potential means to actuate origami structures
, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 23, 2014.
Aneesk Kok and Henry Sodano
(Paper record needs to be updated.)
D. Ryu and K. J Loh
Strain sensing using photocurrent generated by photoactive P3HT-based nanocomposites
, Smart Materials and Structures
21(6): 065016, 2012. DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/21/6/065016
Gao F and L. Weiland
Streaming potential hypothesis for ionic polymer
transducers in sensing: roles of ionomer state and
, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and
Structures 22(14): 1623-1630, 2011. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X1140978
2011 |
- Haixiong Tang, Yirong Lin, Clark Andrews and Henry A
Sodano, Nanocomposites with increased energy density
through high aspect ratio PZT nanowires, Nanotechnology,
Vol. 22, No. 1, 015702, 2010
2010 |
- Daniel Christ and Stefanie Reese, 2009, A
finite element model for shape memory alloys considering
thermomechanical couplings at large strains,
International Journal of Solids and Structures,
2009 |
- Z. Ounaies, C. Park, J. Harrison, and P. Lillehei,

Evidence of Piezoelectricity in SWNT-Polyimide and SWNT–PZT-Polyimide
Composites, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite
Materials, 21, pp. 393-408.
2007 |
2005 |
- L. Faidley, Dapino, M., Washington, G., and T.
Lograsso, 2005,
Reversible Strain in Ni-Mn-Ga with Collinear Field and
Proceedings SPIE 12th International Symposium on Smart
Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, March,
2005. Paper number 5761-70, pp. 501-512.
2004 |
- E. Burcsu , G. Ravichandran and K. Bhattacharya, 2004
Large Electrostrictive Actuation of Barium Titanate
Single Crystals,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Volume 52,
Issue 4, April 2004, Pages 823-846.
1999 |
- W. I. Kordonski and D. Golini, 1999
Fundamentals of Magnetorheological Fluid Utilization
in High Precision Finishing,
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
Volume 10, No. 9, pp. 683-689, September 1999.
1998 |
- R. D. James and M. R. Wuttig
1996 |
- G. P. Carman, S. S. Park and S. Park
1995 |
- D. C. Lagoudas, Z. Bo and J. G. Boyd
1994 |
- N. W. Hagood, R. Kindel and K. Ghandi
1993 |
- D.C. Zimmerman and T.L. Lyde
Student Best Paper Awards
Conference 2010
Best Student Hardware Paper Competition: Brent Utter
"Design of an SMA Actuated Mechanotransductive
Implant for Correcting Short Bowel Syndrome"SMASIS
Conference 2009
First Place: Steven Anton
"Self-Charging Structures Using Piezoceramics and
Thin-Film Batteries"
Conference 2008
First Place: Darren
J. Hartl (Texas A&M)
SPIE Conference 2008
First Place: Supratik Datta (Univ. of Maryland), "Magnetomechanical
coupling factor and energy density of single crystal
iron-gallium alloys"
Second Place: Neelesh Sarawate (The Ohio State Univ.),
"Dynamic strain-field hysteresis model for ferromagnetic
shape-memory Ni-Mn-Ga"
Third Place: Ken Salas (Univ. of Michigan),
"Design and characterization of the CLoVER transducer
for structural health monitoring"
Honorable Mention: Darren Hartl (Texas A&M),
"Simultaneous Transformation and Plastic/Viscoplastic
Deformation in Shape Memory Alloys"
Honorable Mention: Phillip Evans (The Ohio State
Univ.), "Fully Coupled Magnetoelastic Model for
Galfenol Alloys Incorporating Eddy-Current Losses and
Thermal Relaxation"
Honorable Mention: Thomas Walters (The Ohio State
Univ.), "Model-Based Design of Fluid Rectification
Valves for Smart Material Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA)"

Steven Anton receives Best Student Paper Award
presented by Dr. Nakhiah Goulbourne

Dr. Christopher Niezrecki
congratulates Darren J. Hartl from Texas A&M for
winning the "Best Paper Award" for a student paper
and presentation.
(ASME SMASIS 2008) |
Miscellaneous Awards and Honors
Dr. Mary Frecker (left)
presents Drs. Christopher Lynch and Diann Brei with
Certificates of Appreciation from the ASMS TC at the
recent ASME/AIAA 2008 SMASIS Conference (Oct. 28 - 30) |